• St. Patrick's Parish is twinned with Holy Cross Catholic Parish

    where Father William Hann is also the pastor.

    4049 Gordon Head Road - Victoria  BC - V8N 3X7  



  • St. Patrick's Parish is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria led by our Bishop the Most Reverend Gary Gordon. The Diocese oversees all parishes on Vancouver Island.  

    Link here :  www.rcdvictoria.org

    Link to Victoria Diocese Responsible Ministry protocols and procedures:  https://www.rcdvictoria.org/responsible-ministry

  • The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is recognized by the Holy See as the national assembly of the Bishops of Canada.  www.cccb.ca

  • development and peace - Caritas canada

    Development and Peace (The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas InternationalisInspired by Gospel values and in particular the preferential option for the poor, its objectives are to support the actions of people in the Global South so that they can take control of their destiny and educate Canadians on issues related to North-South imbalance.  For over 50 years, Development and Peace has supported 15,200 local initiatives in fields such as agriculture, education, community action as well as the consolidation of peace and advocacy for human rights in 70 countries.  www.devp.org/eng

  • The Vatican News provides up to date information on  the Holy See. Information is available in various media forms and is multi lingual.  www.vaticannews.va/en

  • St. Andrew's Regional High School, an accredited independent school, offers programming for grade 8 through grade 12. The mission is to provide Christ centred education of the highest standard, equipping students to be leaders in their chosen profession. St. Andrew's offers students a disciplined academic environment along with an opportunity to grow and experience God in a real way. St. Andrews also offers an international program for students around the world. 


  • Located adjacent to the parish property is Saint Clare Villa which is a 24 unit life-lease condominium building for seniors.    www.stclarevilla.blogspot.com